Tuesday 29 March 2011


I've decided on my FMP. The working title is this - 'Exploring Man's Role in Feminism'.
This is something i'm very passionate about, as a proud feminist. It's kind of a rhetorical/redundant experiment as i already know the answer - mans role is the same as women's (obviously). But thats cool.
 I chose it because of personal experience. The amount of my moronic male 'friends' who've verbally attacked me after i've defended women/feminism is crazy!!

I've already got a few books on the subject:

Full Frontal Feminism by Jessica Valenti, SCUM Manifesto by Valerie Solanas, Girls To The Front by Sara Marcus and The Female Eunuch by Germaine Greer.

Plus i'm thinking of looking at the Bechdel Test in movies and looking at feminist poetry (like Carol Ann Duffy)


Saturday 19 March 2011

FMP Theme - Hmmmm?...


This blog's a kind of online diary that runs alongside my final major project.
I don't really know what to do my FMP on. I was thinking of the theme Aspiration?.. I mean, there's a lot i can do with that, but it might be too broad so i'd have to home in on something.. Or maybe Conflict... It's very relevant at them moment (kinda always is..) and it's pretty much limitless. My last idea was to chose a title that would require me to look at feminism - as it's something i believe quite strongly in...
I'll keep you posted!